Appalachian Headwaters

Our Program


We are happy to announce the launch of our native plant and pollinator program. Our goal is to connect Appalachian communities with access to the beautiful native plants that make our region one of the most biodiverse in North America!

At Appalachian Headwaters Native Plants, we’re committed to reducing our plastic waste. To this end, you’ll receive your plants in compostable 6-pack pots. Each 6-pack is $15, but you’ll get a bulk discount if you order in quantities greater than one full box of plants (each box holds 18 6-packs).

August Availability

SpeciesCommon NameEcoregionSizePrice Per TrayIn Stock
Agastache foeniculumBlue Giant HyssopN/ACompostable 6 Pack$15.00 12
Agastache scrophulariifoliaPurple Giant Hyssop69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.002
Allium cernuumNodding OnionWVCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 8
Amsonia tabernaemontanaEastern Bluestar71dCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 5
Andropogon gerardiiBig Bluestem64bCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 12
Andropogon glomeratusBushy Bluestem69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 12
Asclepias incarnataSwamp Milkweed69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.0020
Asclepias exaltataPoke Milkweed69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 12
Asclepias tuberosaButterfly Milkweed69a/69cCompostable 6 Pack$15.005
Asclepias verticillataWhorled Milkweed69cCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 20
Baptisia australisBlue Wild Indigo69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 8
Bidens coronataTall Swamp Marigold64aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 4
Bouteloua curtipendulaSide Oats GramaWVCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 20
Brickellia eupatorioidesFalse Boneset69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 3
Campanulastrum americanumTall Bellflower64aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 8
Carex vulpinoideaFox Sedge67dCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 12
Chasmanthium latifoliumRiver Oats67bCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 8
Conoclinium coelestinumBlue MistflowerWVCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 8
Coreopsis pubescensStar Tickseed69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 6
Doellingeria umbellataFlat-Topped Aster69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 8
Elymus hystrixBottlebrush Grass69cCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 6
Elymus ripariusRiverbank Wild Rye64b/67cCompostable 6 Pack$15.008
Eupatorium perfoliatumCommon Boneset69cCompostable 6 Pack$15.0016
Eupatorium rotundifoliumRoundleaf Thoroughwort70bCompostable 6 Pack$15.008
Eutrochium dubiumCoastal Plain Joe Pye Weed64cCompostable 6 Pack$15.0012
Eurybia divaricataWhite Wood Aster69Compostable 6 Pack$15.008
Helenium autumnaleCommon Sneezeweed67bCompostable 6 Pack$15.004
Hibiscus moscheutosSwamp Rose MallowVACompostable 6 Pack$15.00 8
Iris spp.Iris versicolor and fulvaWVCompostable 6 Pack$15.0015
Liatris ligulistylisRocky Mountain Blazing StarN/ACompostable 6 Pack$15.00 8
Liatris spicataDense Blazing Star69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 4
Lobelia siphiliticaGreat Blue Lobelia69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.0016
Matelea obliquaClimbing Milkvine69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.004
Monarda didymaScarlet Beebalm69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.008
Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamont67dCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 4
Oenothera fruticosa tertragonaNarrowleaf Evening Primrose66iCompostable 6 Pack$15.002
Oenothera gauraBiennial Beeblossom69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 2
Panicum virgatumSwitchgrass66bCompostable 6 Pack$15.008
Phemeranthus teretifoliusQuill FameflowerWVCompostable 6 Pack$15.004
Pycnanthemum muticumClustered Mountainmint69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.008
Pycnanthemum pilosumWhorled Mountainmint69aCompostable 6 Pack$16.00 12
Pycnanthemum virginianumVirginia Mountainmint69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 8
Ratibida pinnataYellow Coneflower69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 4
Rudbeckia hirtaBlackeyed Susan69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 6
Rudbeckia lanceolataCutleaf Coneflower69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 4
Ruellia humilisWild Petunia69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 6
Salvia lyrataLyreleaf Sage64aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 12
Scirpus cyperinusWool Grass64a/51aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 
Solidago flexicaulisZig-Zag Goldenrod64aCompostable 6 Pack$15.00 6
Solidago odoraSweet Goldenrod62aCompostable 6 Pack$15.009
Solidago speciosaShowy Goldenrod69a/64aCompostable 6 Pack$15.005
Sorghastrum nutansIndian Grass64aCompostable 6 Pack$15.008
Symphyotrichum cordifoliumHeart-leaved Aster64bCompostable 6 Pack$15.006
Symphyotrichum laeveSmooth Blue Aster69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.0010
Symphyotrichum lateriflorumCalico Aster69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.004
Symphyotrichum novae-angliaeNew England Aster69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.008
Symphyotrichum oblongifoliumAromatic Aster67dCompostable 6 Pack$15.0016
Symphyotrichum pilosumFrost Aster69aCompostable 6 Pack$15.008
Symphyotrichum puniceumPurplestem Aster70cCompostable 6 Pack$15.008
Verbena hastataBlue Vervain69cCompostable 6 Pack$15.003



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